Sunday, August 31, 2014

I Think I'm A Zombie!

Have you ever woken up in the morning and just felt like complete crap? Cause I sure did this morning!
I think it was from the crazy storm that came out of nowhere, raining so hard with the wind blowing crazy you would have thought you were in a hurricane...but you're in Tennessee. I think all the rain stirred up something in the plants and the air cause I woke up this morning with my sinuses all screwed up! I couldn't breathe, then I had to use a tissue every second. Not to mention I had to go to work and be there all day! So I wasn't to thrilled about that...I'm a waitress and do nothing but talk to people all day when I just feel like sneezing and sniffling. But I got through the day eventually only to end it with being a ZOMBIE cause my body was so drained of energy and I was starting to feel loopy. 0.o not a good thing when I still had to drive home in the dark.
On other news lol
I need to pack, not just to go to Georgia to see my fiancé but also pack up my bedroom for when I get married. I got a few boxes from work and tape from the store, now to pack all my boxes, junk and other stuff that's in my closet and under my bed. It's sad I think I know more of what's under my bed than I do if what's in my other closet. I just used it to store stuff in so my room wouldn't be too cluttered.
I even have a box in my room with a lamp and other presents I got for Christmas last year...I've always had a problem with finding a place for everything I get, so I usually leave it in the biggest box till, well I don't know lol.  
I think I might go pack up the books that are in my window seat/bookshelf that my dad and I made.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Planning A Wedding.

Another day has past and brought me closer to the day of my wedding, yet it seems like I'm so much closer and I still have a lot to do! I know I have everyone to help me plan it; my fiancé, my maid of honor, my parents, his parents but I'm me and I like to have things a certain way. I'm not OCD but I guess I feel that if I don't do it then I don't know if it will get done soon enough.
I need to just hand things off to people so I don't get stressed, and it's not like there is big stuff to be done, it's just a bunch of little things.
Either way I can't wait till the BIG day where I say 'I do' and get announced as Mrs. Derick Miller. The future is so close yet so far away!

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Changing of Life

It's crazy how life changes so much over the years; relationships change, people heal you and people hurt you and you grow to become a stronger person.
I went from being a little girl dreaming of her wedding to a grown woman planning her real wedding. I went from being a little girl totally disorganized to a grown woman still slightly disorganized but working on it. From spending my days doing school, playing in my bedroom or outside in the trees and dirt with my brother, to working all the time and spending time with my fiancé.
I've realized I love to paint, watching as the colors I put on my canvas flow together to make something I believe is beautiful.
When I was little I hated to wear dresses or skirts but now I can't wait to find a time to wear them, to church or on a date with my man, who I love with all my heart!
I thank the Lord for all that He has done in my life, the doors opened and closed, all my blessings and protections, my family and friends, my loving fiancé and his family whom I love. And for how I've been brought up, loved and cared for! I thank Him for the extra amazing parents He blessed me with to watch over me, and my brother who is the best, though we have had our bad times over the years he is the best and I love him and wouldn't trade him for another brother if I had the chance.
I'm hungry, so I'm going to go find something in the kitchen.
Talk to ya'll later!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Proposal...That Ended with Yes!!!

So this past Sunday night my boyfriend proposed to me..

And of course I said YES!!!!

The ring he gave me is so gorgeous and its beyond perfect!
I couldn't ask for a better ring! It had been his grandma's first engagement
ring but she gave it to him to propose to me with.
Derick is such an amazing man and I cant wait to walk down the isle and say
"I do"
He takes such good care of me and loves me with all his heart. He will protect
me with everything he has and give me everything he has. He is an open book
who trusts me with his heart and I him.
I love him with all my heart and will do anything for him! Spending the rest of
my life with him is the most amazing thought I could ever have!

Saturday, August 9, 2014


I'm not the biggest artest, I can't think of these wonderful things to draw or paint but if I see something I can create it. 
Like last night I saw this beautiful painting on Pinterest.
This is my freehand painted rendition of it. :) hope yall like it!