Saturday, April 18, 2015

My Birthday!! #20

So today is/was my birthday and I turned 20.
   No, I didn't have/do any party or crazy fun things cause I had to work, but they had a cookout at work and I got to have a burger in the middle of work :) I love burgers!
But this coming week my parents will be back home and we will be going up there to spend time with them, go camping(sad fact: I've never got to go camping with my family) and fishing. This is sooo amazing. I love them!
Then I was on my way home when I remembered that my in-laws were working on my house(so ready for it to be finished) and when I got there, so much had been done. So much progress means I get to move in sooner and then I can decorate it any way I want and that makes me sooo happy! And since so much has been done we will be able to move boxes in soon so that my granddad can come get his pull behind trailer that he lent us when we got married. That was amazing of him and I love him.
Thank you granddad!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Spring Is Here.

Even though it has been warm for the past however long, Spring is finally here for me because today when I went out to my car(my internet won't work so I have gone to McDonalds to use my computer), it was covered in pollen.
And as my husband text me, he called me a 'rebel' cause I brought my route 44 Sonic drink inside McDonald's. hehe Hope I don't cause trouble.
But it's official...10 Days left and then I turn 20. I'm so beyond excited! I don't know what we will do but my sister-in-law said she really wants to hang out, I miss her and my brother so bad! I used to hang out with them all the time but since I moved and just started working I don't have the money to drive up there all the time but I'm hoping to hang out with them soon! Maybe they would want to come see the movie 'UNFRIENDED' in theaters with Derick, his sister and I.
It's a movie about five friends that are Skyping and scary things start happening when someone they don't know joins the call and starts doing sorta supernatural things to them and they think it is the ghost of the girl who shot herself at school because of something that happened at a party. It's supposed to be awesome and it comes out the day before my birthday(the 18th).
So some machine in McDonalds is like freaking out because it will not stop beeping. I thinks it's lost its mind.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

My Lapse in Blogging.

        I Don't know if anyone actually reads this or not, but if you do and are interested in what I write then I give you my apologies! I get into a grove of doing something I like, hoping to do it daily but then if I don't have something or someone forcing me to keep going I tend to slack off till I have stopped in all. So this post is going to be filling in some things I missed, but it's going to be random and probably not in the order of when they happened, just that they did happen. lol
         It's almost my BIRHDAY!!!! I'll be 20! I know it's not the big one but hey I'm won't be a (teen) anymore(but when I do turn 21, I will not go out drinking like most. I will be going to get my carry permit and the gun of my liking). Only 14 days to go! I won't be having a party on my birthday cause we work and my parents are across the I'm going to wait on them. But my mom said I get a goodie package on my birthday :) yay! I love packages!!!!
      I got a job!!! Finally! I had been unemployed since the wedding and it was high time I got a job, after applying to what I think was 12 jobs and being told I didn't get some I applied at Academy Sports & Outdoors...they called and I got it! I am a cashier, it's a little different than being a waitress, I stand still more than I walk around so my feet hurt quickly and just get worse as the day goes on...I'm working on finding some shoes with amazing comfort! So far it is going pretty well, I get along with everyone, it's really relaxed and it gets me out of the house :)
        So to go along with the job story, I have gained some unwanted weight after the wedding and was wanting to start the Squat Challenge along with my new job...well not too long ago I had been doing T25(till I slacked off :( I know I'm bad at that!) but other than that I wasn't doing anything so after the first day of the challenge (60 squats) I could hardly move the next day, my quads were in so much pain and I could hardly walk, let alone go on stairs! But none the less I tried to do (40) more the next day and barely made it. Lets just say I haven't done any since, but I should, I want to lose this weight!
I don't remember if I have mentioned this before but Derick and I will be moving soon, hopefully. We will still be in the same town but a home of our own! Yay!! We are renting a two bedroom mobile home from a family member, we are just waiting for repairs to be done then we can move in. We have to paint it, lay down flooring and fix flooring where there was water damage and change some plumbing but hopefully it will get done soon. I'm sooo excited to have my own place, I'll get to decorate it the way I want it and I will be in charge, (I'd say large and in charge but I don't want to be large lol) We are turning the second bedroom into an office/game room, I say that because my half will be the office and his will be the game room.
          Again, I don't know if I mentioned it before but we have Poodles, little toy poodles. Buster, the all black one and Homer, the black and white one, he kinda looks like a cow. haha They are cuties but they don't listen worth a lick! Oh and we can't get mad when Buster barks because it's this little one, it's so stinking cute! Derick and I really wanted to buy Buster but Wendi is really attached to him. He knows we love him the most though. lol
                In the middle of February I started a bible study, I hadn't been reading my bible like I should or even at all. So I was looking on Pinterest for a "Read the Bible in a year" plan, then I found, #365SheReadsTruth. I downloaded the app so that I have it on my phone. Just go the 365 day plan, it says what the current date is and what you should be on for that day but I just started from the beginning. I got my self some new pens and a new journal. I sectioned off the journal for Study, Prayer, and Sermons. They are pretty self explanatory, and I just write the day, date and verses at the top of each study page and I use it for notes as well as I underline and write in my bible. I'm currently using only a blue pen, I don't know if anyone cares about that or not. But recently since I started my job I have missed a few because I'm just so tired and then the day is gone, so whenever I do the next one I just do the one I missed too. There is always a prayer day with each study, and when I miss a day I just combine the two days prayer to one page and write the dates at the top. I don't have much in the Sermon section, I try to get as much as I can out of them but I just don't glean much from the sermons. Right now I'm going to a Baptist church, yes I grew up in a Baptist church but once I got older we started going to an Assembly of God church and that is where my heart belongs...There just isn't one near me :( I miss my old church! I miss the amazing band(my mom, and sister-in-law are in it). I miss my pastor, I always got something from his sermons, I could fill up almost two pages worth. Now I'm lucky if I get half a page. I'm not dogging the church I'm going to now, I just wish it was an Assembly church.
Side note: I'm writing this outside, it's bright and sunny, it used to be warm but the wind has picked up so it's starting to get kinda chilly. I think I'm about to go inside.
I'm so glad Spring is here and Winter is gone!!
P.S. about a month or so ago I decided to not have my Lifeproof case on my phone when I went out...I dropped it at the gas station and cracked the top of my screen, it's up at the ear speaker so I can still see everything perfectly but lets just say I keep my case on from now on. lol
